Program Review: Top Tier Traffic Exchange


Top Tier Traffic Exchange

Created by Matthew Graves, owner of WebBizInsider, Top Tier is very unique and highly effective. Just like WebBizInsider, you can benefit in multiple ways in TopTier.

Over the years, my membership in WebBizInsider has generated hundreds of subscribers to my list and Thousands of dollars in sales through my ability to email my "downline" (earned, purchased and referred).

TopTier Traffic works a little differently than WebBizInsider in that you can earn a downline with Position points which I talk about later in this post. I highly recommend an UPGRADE to PREMIUM member as it is definitely well worth the expense!

The key to maximizing Top Tier is to make sure you are using all the resources they offer to earn credits and position points.

My guess is that Top Tier is going to be recognized as of the Top exchanges of 2009!

Get your FREE account here

When signing up, all you need is your name and a valid email address. I highly recommend you register with a gmail address to insure you receive the confirmation email.

You must confirm your email address at Top Tier before you are granted access to login.

As a Free Member, you will need to login and surf a minimum of 100 websites in order to activate your account. It will take approximately 40 minutes to complete but does not need to be completed at one sitting.

Once your account is active, you can login and setup your system.

When you login, you will be presented with your Membership status (Free or Premium) along with the Quick Links and Stats and Notes from Matthew which includes membership totals.


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